The Company focuses on design assist and design build services.
The nature of the design assist services requires intensive communications, timely responses, and structured lines of responsibility and accountability. This is the foundation on which our team is built, and on which we propose hereafter to deliver the services of each project. There are two distinct phases to be examined in order to understand our philosophy:
Building the Team – is based on understanding the technical and management demands imposed by the project, and on the knowledge of the skills and experiences offered by the team members.
Choosing the Format of Delivery – is based on fully understanding the scope of work and detailed knowledge of client expectations.
For a design-assist project, the pre-construction services are of vital importance for its success. In this phase the goals are identified and the methods are established. There are three basic elements around which everything is built: Quality, Cost and Time. These are closely inter-related and their balance is a gauge for client satisfaction, as well as for the skills of the construction team.
In the pre-construction services period, the team responsibilities interface is one of the most important activities, setting the stage for a successful project. This is the time when client expectations must meet the design intent, and the design intent must become a reality. This is also the time when the design-assist method must bring its value to the client.
The construction phase is the time to enjoy the benefits of the success created by the pre-construction performance. Breaking ground is a momentous occasion best enjoyed with the confidence behind every chosen team involved. Hitting milestones, staying focused and always maintaining sight of the clients expectations are what make a solid team. Our success is felt equally from every level, as a strong management is complimented best by solid skilled tradesman.
“The success of a project is defined by its commencement, and judged by its completion”. The post-construction services validate the effort during the preceding phases. Also, the post-construction services provide the client with documentation facilitating the operation and maintenance tasks.
Construction Close-Out – all equipment and systems are tested, and start-up completed. The water and air distribution systems are balanced, any corrective actions taken and final walk-through.
System Commissioning – the commissioning functional test is a process of validation for the completeness of the system installation and their proper interface in providing the end results intended by the design.
Record Documents – the post-construction services are completed by providing the client with the final documents for: 1) As-Built Drawings; 2) Operating and Maintenance Manual; 3) Facility Manual.